Tuesday, April 11, 2006


Things seem to be looking brighter...knock on wood. I'm starting to write some (good) checks for my bills, and by Friday I should be caught up with most of them. At the end of the month, we'll be packing our things into boxes and getting ready to move. We're having all of our stuff moved for free because we used MoveForFree.com to locate our apartment. Once we're in our new place life will be much simpler financially. I'll be saving hundreds a month just on rent.

I'm working hard on research for essay #4 for my English Composition class. My topic is on the Government Vouchers for Private Schools debate. I will probably post the edited version of it on my According to Jao blog at the beginning of May, so be looking forward to that. I would love to hear some comments and critiques.

My mother is down with the stomach flu today and was all last night. Two weeks ago it started with Hudson who passed it along to the following people: Dayna, Grammy, me, Shannon, Samantha, Mr. Smith, and now my mother. I don't know if this bug has completed its destruction, but I apoligize for Hudson to those who suffered and those who have yet to experience its wrath!

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