Thursday, March 16, 2006


I've been spending countless hours since December researching my family history, and the family histories of a few friends. It's an exciting and rewarding hobby in which I easily lose track of time and space, as well as a bit mind-numbing. But I'm enjoying it immensely.

Today, as well as last Tuesday, I spent several hours on the 'Sandstrum' family in the Humble, Texas area. An interesting fact that I discovered about the sons and daughter of Rubin Wesley Sandstrum (there are seven): So far, some of them have only married once, some of them have married twice. Of the six siblings who have been married, there have been nine marriages respectively; in seven of those nine marriages, the bride was older than the groom. Isn't that fascinating!?

It's amazing what information about people you can find on Ancestry. Not only is it a fantastic instrument with which to research your family history, it is filled with a plethora of useful information: Forget when someones birthday is? Want to know how old someone is? What addresses and phone numbers is a certain person listed under?

I love it.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Is it a boy or a girl?

My wife and I found out that we were pregnant again in January. We conceived on Thanksgiving Day. [Jokes including 'Turkey' and 'stuffing' and 'Pilgrims & Indians' go here.]

Just yesterday, Dayna went to see her OB/GYN who did an ultrasound to check on the baby. As it turns out, everything is fine.....we're having boys! Yes, you read that right--plural, as in twins!

Holy shit, right!? I couldn't believe it, but I'm very excited. I hadn't considered twins a possibility, but it happened. Anyway, I thought I'd let everyone know. Bye.