Monday, April 24, 2006

Books and Movies Weekend

Dayna's and my weekend started off well enough. On Friday night I went all-out and rented three movies from Redbox at the McDonald's around the corner from our apartment. We only had the chance to watch two of them--Walk The Line and Brokeback Mountain--before having to return them before 7pm the next day to avoid paying another $1.08 per movie.

I took Hudson up for my mother to take for the weekend, so it was just Dayna and myself until yesterday afternoon. A trip to the bookstore on Saturday morning was nice and cozy and inspiring. I always get inspired to read and learn more after going to Barnes & Noble or Borders or another bookstore. Hardly ever do I know exactly what I want to look for.

I don't usually buy books from those stores because they're expensive. I'd rather buy them from a discount bookseller like QPB (of which I am a member), or from Alibris, which sells used books. I don't like to buy from Half-Price Books because I think they rip the seller off: they'll offer you 25 cents for a book you paid $25.00 retail for, then sell it for $12.50. No one makes 5000% profit off of me--NO ONE!

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