Thursday, May 18, 2006

Can I get a Witness?

Two-person teams of proud Jehovah's Witness are frequent visitors to the apartment complex I recently moved into. The last time I spotted them, there was a two-man team and a two-woman team. Fortunately I was pulling out of the parking lot when I spotted them and avoided an unfortunate encounter.

Sooner or later, however, one of the teams was bound to knock on our front door. Once again, I avoided the encounter, but my wife didn't. She told them that she couldn't speak to them at that time, but their conniving demeanor got the best of her. She told them that I didn't get home until about 6:30 in the evening and that they could come back to visit with the both of us (out of curiosity).

An appointment for a visitation was made for tonight at 7:00pm. As I did not want to shun these people away when that come and could not contact them to cancel the visit, I reluctantly welcomed the opportunity for religious debate.

After thinking about it, however, I realized that I was not going to change their beliefs, and the certainly were not going to change mine. Therefore, nothing good would come out of a religious debate with Jehovah's Witnesses. Still, the appointment was what to do?

Well, apparently my wife has already taped a letter, along with the information booklet that they gave her, on to the door. I suppose if they still show up I will take the situation as it comes and one step at a time. They will definitely leave regretting that they came.

1 comment:

Alan said...

They always come at the most inopportune time...such as during a great masturbation session.