Wednesday, March 21, 2007

I'm tired of the bullshit!

In the Sunday Chicago Tribune was an article titled He's the king of small claims about a local man named Derek Monroe who has taken many company's to small claims court for cheating him in one way or another. He doesn't do it for the money, but for "the principle."

"It is about shaming the corporations into doing the right thing," he told the Tribune. "It's to show them that we as consumers are not sheep."

Monroe is doing exactly what I've wanted to do many times, but either did not have the time, the money, or the motivation to go through the bureaucracy of filing a suit. Reading the article about him, however, lit a fire under my ass.

On Monday morning I wrote a letter to Monroe telling him this. I told him that the story about him was very encouraging and that I would no longer put up with the bullshit that company's with which I do business throw at me.

After receiving the letter, he called me the next day on my cell phone. He's a very nice guy. He was excited to have received my letter, offered me some pointers on a problem I was having, and answered a few questions I had about filing small claims suits.

I'm tired of dealing with the bullshit from Drive Financial Services. I'm tired of dealing with the bullshit from Elmhurst Memorial Healtcare.

I'm tired of the bullshit!

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