Monday, January 22, 2007

Am I boring or unorganized?

"...If you're bored then you're boring..." is a line in a song of which I can't recall the title or artist. But it's come to my mind several times recently and I fear it could possibly be applied to my life presently.

I've been feeling bored at work many times in recent weeks. I wonder, though, if it's really boredom that I'm experiencing, or something else. I seem to have plenty of things that I need to do, but most of these tasks I have no desire whatsoever to accomplish. Things like...
  • contacting my auto finance company to settle a dispute I've been trying to settle with them for nearly a year;
  • contacting my wife's health insurance company to inquire as to why they debited my account two weeks before I expected them to;
  • shipping some books back to my book club for credit;
  • organizing the cluster-fuck that is my desk;
  • et cetera.

I also have plenty of things that I want to do as well. These are in much more abundance and have a much wider range of importance and urgency. As varied as...

  • taking some required paperwork to the financial aid office at the college I'll be attending;
  • continuing in the current book I'm reading;
  • studing the Arab-Israeli conflict;
  • writing letters about many issues to send to government officials;
  • editing and updating Wikipedia articles;
  • packing and mailing some film to Snapfish;
  • et cetera.

So I've come to this question: if I'm feeling bored, am I boring, or just unorganized?

I don't have a problem taking care of tasks associated with my job. I usually take care of those things immediately. Business, however, hasn't been as fast as it used to be, so there is a lot of down time.

I don't mind the down time, but it has to be organized. I have to find a way, a method, to organizing and prioritizing the tasks I need to accomplish.

I found a great quote from The Quotations Page, attributed to Dorothy Parker (1893-1967), which says, "The cure for boredom is curiosity. There is no cure for curiosity."

Have any tips or suggestions? Leave a comment!

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